Flushing, or easy blushing- flushing can last for minutes and cause discomfort and feelings of skin heating for those experiencing it.

Inflamed blood vessels- blood vessels on the cheeks and nose tend to swell and become noticeable as rosacea worsens; skin may appear blotchy.
Hyperactivity in facial skin- When skin is touched or in contact with other stimuli like sunlight, sensitive blood vessels dilate. This is similar to just having sensitive skin, but is not caused by sensitive skin cells; instead, it is a result of sensitive blood vessels.
LED Light Therapy - LED light therapy is a method of treatment and preventive effect on the human body by light and color. It uses natural light of different wavelengths, or colors, to emit healing and preventive properties on skin conditions. This treatment is completely safe, effective, and recommended by many doctors. Red light, with wavelengths between 620 nm and 700 nm, helps reduce itching, redness, and dryness associated with rosacea. It is one of the most widely used colors of LED when healing skin affected by rosacea and similar conditions. Visible red light can penetrate the skin up to 8-10 hours. After absorption, light energy becomes cellular energy and stimulates natural cellular processes and metabolic events. This leads to increased circulation and the birth of new capillaries, faster lymphatic activity, reduced inflammation, increased ATP for energy, increased collagen and fibroblast production, tissue stimulation, and more effective cellular clean up. It is indicated for patients with acne, eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, and most importantly- rosacea. This is a more optimal treatment for those who want to heal their skin with only completely natural remedies. Yellow light, with wavelengths between 570 nm and 590 nm, is also effective for milder forms of rosacea. This reduces the appearance of swelling, redness, and inflammation that is not too severe. The production of red blood cells is also triggered, helping to even pigmentation, increase lymphatic drainage, and stimulate blood circulation. When used in synergy with red light, yellow light can make red spots less noticeable, decrease the visibility of blood vessels, and soothe inflammation on the skin.
When asked which esthetic treatments are optimal for rosacea relief, Dr. David J Goldberg claimed “the “basic rule is yellow LED for mild redness, red LED for more inflamed rosacea, [and a] combination of red and near-infrared [light therapy] for inflammation and swelling.
IPL (Intense Pulse Light) is a technology that uses intense pulses of non-coherent light distributed over a range of wavelengths (generally in the range of 400 to 1200 nm) to target various chromophores (ex: blood chromophores or melanin chromophores). A broad spectrum of light is transmitted through an applicator. Cut-off filters selectively filter out lower wavelengths, especially potentially damaging ultraviolet light, and change the range of wavelengths to target specific chromophores. Chromophores absorb light and are heated until they destruct. This technology enables effective hair removal, photoaging treatment, and correction of vascular and pigmented lesions. For Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea, IPL is highly effective at creating controlled injuries to blood vessels in order to trigger the body into breaking down and removing damaged tissue. Thus, new cells are built and replace old, problematic cells. Over gradual treatment, about 3 to 6 times, facial redness, flushing, and blood vessel visibility significantly decrease and eventually vanish.
Touch screen control panel. Operating system of machine is designed for comfortable work of esthetician or doctor. An operator can select any function or adjust any parameter by simply moving around the wide and colorful touchscreen.
6 available treatments in 1 machine. Zemits can be used in holistic facial and body treatments according to the settings and filter that is used.
Automatic settings. Zemits has different programs with automatic settings for all skin types. Depending on gender, skin color, hair color, hair density operator can choose automatic programs with proper settings of light radiation, duration and frequency of impulse. The program will recommend the proper filter for a particular treatment. A range of IPL and RF intensity also recommended by the program depending on selected skin type.
Professional settings are available. In case of operator wants to change any settings professional settings are available. So operator can change any setting manually. Any settings can be modified to professional settings manually by the operator.
Robust metal holder for a handpiece. Zemits has a really stable and strong holder for working handpiece. The holder is bottomless and has metal frame. The metal frame of holder is specifically shaped for easy, fast and convenient placement of the handpiece during procedure without damaging working surface. In addition, the handpiece can be easily placed in the holder with the inserted filter, so there is no need to take the filter off every time.
Additional rubber overlay for handpiece connectors. Extra layer of rubber helps to prevent possible bending of the hose during the excessive use.
Triple cooling system. Zemits device has an advanced cooling system. Continuous Crystal contact cooling (-4°C~4°C ) designed for patient’s comfort and double air cooling + closed water circulation cooling for long time continuous work of equipment.
Set of 3 different filters. Zemits IPL machine has the set of 3 glass filters for a wide range of procedures:
We have all struggled with acne at some point in our lives- whether it was a passing phase in your teenage years, a rare occurrence before all your birthday parties, or a chronic struggle that has followed you well into adulthood, every person has been a victim of this culprit. Acne, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is defined as the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin, particularly characterized by red pimples. The skin condition affects up to 50 million Americans every year, and can sneak up on individuals at any time in their lives. Although most common between the ages of 12 and 24, many older adults also face the challenges of coping with acne.
Truthfully, nobody can completely control the onset or long-term treatment of acne. It is a natural and very common occurrence that shows itself in the form of pimples, cysts, whiteheads, blackheads, and nodules. The cause of acne lies in our pores. In humans, the pores upon our skin are connected to oil glands by follicles, which are tiny sacs that generate and release an oily liquid known as sebum. Inside sebum lies dead skin cells that are transported to the surface of the skin by traveling within follicles. From these follicles, small hairs emerge, but sometimes, these follicles are blocked by the sebum. When congestion occurs within follicles, oil accumulates below the surface of the skin and eventually may result in a clump of skin cells, hair, and sebum. This mass attracts bacteria, which enters the skin and results in inflammation. This inflammatory response, in turn, is what we know as the dreaded pimple. Although varying in size and contents, all pimples have one thing in common: they are unpredicted and unwelcomed. However, treatments and preventive measures are out there, so everybody can take steps to minimize their risks.
Pimples: also known as inflammatory acne or cystic acne, pimples are caused by the response of your immune system to clogged, infected cells. When the wall of a pore or hair follicle is broken, bacteria and oil leaks into the skin. Minor pimples are caused by these ruptures occurring close to the surface of the skin, while more painful kinds of cystic acne, like cysts, are caused by fractures deeper in the epidermis.
Papules: these red or pink bumps can vary in size but are generally less than half an inch. Within these domes lie bacteria, oil, and white blood cells, but no liquids or pus. Dead skin cells trap oil and bacteria within pores that may swell only very little due to the immune system’s reaction of sending in white blood cells.
Pustules: these are the same as papules except they are composed of a collection of dead white blood cells, known as pus.
Trusculpt Id Machine CostThere is no one scientifically proven factor that guarantees the onset of acne; however, many studies in the field have found hormones and the excess presence of bacteria to be the top two culprits in causing the onset of acne in the majority of individuals.
Hormones, or chemical messengers in the body that exist in the endocrine glands, play a very large role in acne formation. Dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe explains, “when a woman’s androgen [male sex hormone] receptors are particularly sensitive, these hormones can trigger excess oil production and cause skin cells to become sticky, leading to clogged pores and breakouts.” This is often why pubescent males and females are disproportionately affected by acne, as they are experiencing heavy spikes in androgen levels during that period. Hormones do not directly cause acne. The formation and reason for acne, discussed above, is truly the party held responsible. However, it is vital to recognize that hormonal factors may increase certain individual’s susceptibility to this process of inflammation caused by high oil levels and pore clogging.
When follicles are clogged, they serve as perfect environments for prokaryotic organisms to manifest. Specifically, bacteria often invades these regions. This leads to the brain altering the immune system that pathogens are present, triggering the release of white blood cells to the infected area. Thus, the region also swells up, as inflammation is a common bodily response to infection.
The use of high-frequency currents was originally discovered by scientist and engineer Nikola Tesla in the 1800s. During this time, the development of this alternating current was primarily used in medicine as an antibacterial treatment for diseases like strep throat infections. Its benefits were highly reaped in the 1800s and further into the future. Europeans began utilizing high-frequency technology upon finding out its efficacy in improving skin care. This practice resonated so well with beauty providers and patients that it made its way to the United States in just about ten years. By the time the 1920s rolled around, a plethora of glass electrodes had been invented for the purpose of just this. Applications were seen in medicine, dentistry, and very quickly- beauty. In beauty salons across the States, Americans quickly adopted the practice of using this alternating current to improve the tone, cleanliness, and overall appearance of skin in patients seeking rejuvenation or healing from certain ailments.
Today, this procedure is still just as popular and loved by both providers and patients. A high-frequency facial is a procedure performed by estheticians to lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, relieve congestion in puffy eyes, minimize dark circles around the eyes, and act as both a preventative and immediate solution to acne which does not appear to respond to any other previous efforts. The high-frequency alternating current emitted by electrodes has a high voltage and low amperage, so there is no pain or injury to the skin upon proper application. Scientific research has proven that these currents gently warm skin tissues, stimulating cellular regeneration and improving the ability of the epidermis to absorb skin care products. In addition, like all heat treatments, high-frequency therapy is able to assist in improving blood flow, thus improving the health of the skin from the inside out. As blood supply is improved, nutrients are more easily taken in by the skin, helping it get rid of toxic wastes.
You may be wondering how high-frequency electrical current can combat the acne that plagues millions of men and women each year. It seems too good to be true, but rest assured this treatment has been proven by many doctors and skin care professionals to be extremely effective for its purposes. As high-frequency currents are applied to the skin, enriched oxygen molecules are generated and used to combat bacteria that causes localized acne. The superficial blood vessels respond to this by contracting and expelling toxins, which help clean the skin and both prevent and treat bacterial manifestations. Furthermore, blood circulation and cell regeneration are stimulated as the skin cells absorb nutrients and hydrating elements. This, in turn, encourages the production of collagen and elastin, an extra benefit that leaves the skin feeling firmer and softer with a strong glow.
Although there is a variety of high-frequency alternating current machines for esthetic purposes on the beauty market, there are few that we truly recommend. Based on our experience with these machines and our strong faith in their technologies and designs, we believe these are the top instruments in the industry to serve the purpose of relieving acne and other skin lesions with alternating currents.
The Eco Blizz helps creams and solutions penetrate deeper into the skin than they would with regular application. Lontoderm is used desincrustation or deep pore cleansing, and iontophoresis is used for nutrient infusion into the skin.
Galvanic desincrustation, or galvanic cleansing, is applied for the saponification of comedo. This effect is based upon the combination of saponifying agents under the influence of negative electrodes.
High-frequency is the influence of high-voltage alternating currents over the human body via glass electrodes. The influence occurs with the aid of high-frequencies (110-400 kHz), high-voltages (approximately 20 kV), yet minimal power (up to 100-200 mA) impulse alternating sinusoidal currents. The application of the device improves blood circulation, activates biochemical metabolic processes of the superficial skin and below, improves histotrophic nutrition and saturation with oxygen, and reduces the level of pain receptors’ sensitivity to external irritants.
We take umbrage to people who say they don’t really understand the hype with permanently zapping off unwanted the hair. Really? Let’s dive into details, shall we? Generally, a woman’s daily ritual includes facial cleansing twice a day, toning, moisturizing, putting makeup on, taking makeup off, applying sunscreen, showering, shaving, correcting brows, blow-drying and if you are not in your 20s, adding serums, masks, vitamin-filled night creams to the mix. Then, you can move onto the weekly facial steaming, leg waxing, blowout, manicure, pedicure, brow shaping, exfoliation; next, add the hair trims and colorings, professional skin care facials, tanning salons or bronzers, and bikini line waxes to your monthly grooming tasks—and, this doesn’t even come close to the full list. It’s all time-consuming,tiring, andexpensive. So, whenever a chance comes along to permanently eliminate something from that very long but necessary list, we tend to jump on it ASAP.
If you have decided to invest in this beloved business and help us all find sure ways to permanently remove hair,we welcome you with open arms. Did you know that full-body hair removal is so popular that it sometimes appears on people’s bucket lists? I’ve recently come across an article on Allure where an author dreamed of earning enough money to travel through Asia, pay for ivy-league schools for her kids, and (drum roll, please) get full-body laser hair removal treatments. So yes, it is definitely a good investment for any beauty salon or self-employed beauty professional.
Laser hair removal has been around only since the 1990s, though even since then it has evolved greatly. The way these treatment works is laser beam emits IR radiation that specifically targets the dark hair pigment called melanin. Just a short while ago people with darker shades of skin were denied the treatment. So, if you look at the Fitzpatrick scale you would need to immediately exclude Types four and five with the highest melanin concentration in the skin and sometimes even Type three. Being the primary determinant of skin color, melanin is largely represented in the skin and absorbs IR radiation waves just as the dark hair follicle. This, of course, can result in skin burns and blisters. And now, thanks to the vast investments of the manufacturers into research and development, to resolve this particular problem we have this new cutting-edge laser equipment that only targets the dark hair root pigment,safely and carefully bypass the tissues without causing any reaction from the melanin in the skin. The only ones still left out from our hair zapping party are the blond-haired. We still have no way of treating people with grey hair, blond hair and light redheads as there is no melanin whatsoever for the laser to attack.
People often have concerns about the radiation and the damage it can cause to the skin and the health overall.
Take some time during the first consultation to explain that sun damage is done by the harmful UV (Ultraviolet) radiation and Lasers can only emit the IR (Infrared) one, which is safe for the human skin.
UV light damages the skin on a cellular level and can cause a line of different skin problems and diseases, from the ones easily treatable with creams or a simple microdermabrasion appointment and the more complicated and even the terminal ones, that are treated with chemotherapy. Skin suffers from the UV radiation even if people haven’t damaged it to the point of extreme when burns and blisters make an appearance. So, just remind your client that in order to avoid pigmentation, dark spots, crinkly leathery textured skin with lines and wrinkles, premature aging of the skin and even cancer they should always be mindful of the sun and a good quality SPF should make a daily appearance on their skin.